SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 lost het Large Data Storage dilemma op
- November 9, 2016
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SUSE kondigt vandaag SUSE Enterprise Storage 4, powered by Ceph technologie aan. De oplossing richt zichspecifiek op organisaties actief in data-intensieve of hoog gereguleerde marken en op organisaties die behoefte hebben aan hoog schaalbare en elastische storage-oplossingen.
SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 is de eerste productierelease van CephFS en is de perfecte oplossing voor bulk, archief en “large data” storagemanagement. Het geeft gebruikers de mogelijkheid hun storageinfrastructuur kosteneffectief te transformeren en zich naadloos aan de veranderende vraag vanuit de markt aan te passen.
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“Bulk, archive and large data is growing, and as it does, customers need flexible storage solutions that can handle the specific needs of their business and data without breaking the bank,” said Gerald Pfeifer, SUSE vice president of Products and Technology Programs. “IT departments are finding they need to handle growing amounts of unstructured data while they are tasked with increasing innovation and reducing costs. SUSE Enterprise Storage helps them do exactly that with open source technology backed by one of the brightest and most reliable providers in the world.”
SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 is based on the Ceph Jewel release and excels at bulk, archive and large data storage management. Without limitations, customers can simplify and scale the storage of applications such as video surveillance, CCTV, online presence and training, streaming media, medical imaging (mammography, X-rays, CT, MRI, etc.), seismic processing, genomic mapping, CAD, archive, virtual machine storage, and backup datasets. It also enables customers to run production workloads for block, object and file storage within a single cluster, further reducing capital and operation costs.
SUSE has been positioned in the October 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage.* In that research Gartner estimates that “By 2021, more than 80 percent of enterprise data will be stored in scale-out storage systems in enterprise and cloud data centers, up from 30 percent today.”
Benefits to using SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 include:
- Reduced capital and operational spending for storage infrastructure via a truly unified block, object and files solution with the production-ready Ceph file system (CephFS).
- Expanded hardware choice for enterprise and hyper-scale customers with support for 64-bit ARM.
- An advanced graphical user interface for simplified management and improved cost efficiency using the openATTIC open source storage management system.
· Better data protection and improved disaster recovery via long-distance replication for block storage and multisite object storage replication.
· Improved cluster orchestration using Salt for simplified storage cluster management.
· Technical preview access to NFS Ganesha support and NFS access to S3 buckets.
In related SUSE Enterprise Storage news, SUSE also announced today it has acquired specific software-defined storage management assets from it-novum, including openATTIC, the open source Ceph and storage management framework. The acquisition allows SUSE to accelerate its use of openATTIC as the management framework for SUSE Enterprise Storage and will help the company deliver simpler, more cost-effective enterprise storage management solutions.
SUSE Enterprise Storage 4, powered by Ceph technology, will be generally available in December. For more information, visit www.suse.com/storage.