SUSE® kondigt vandaag aan dat Intel SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Performance Computing gaat distribueren als optioneel besturingssysteem van de zojuist geïntroduceerde Intel HPC Orchestrator, een Intel-ondersteunde HPC systeemsoftwarestack.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is de eerste commerciële Linux distributie die wordt aangeboden op deze softwarestack. Gezamenlijke support op de gecombineerde oplossing wordt door beide bedrijven aangeboden. Het resultaat hiervan is dat klanten sneller toegang tot relevante data krijgenwaardoor zij sneller kunnen innoveren. Intel HPC Orchestrator, powered by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for HPC, maakt het integreren en valideren van een HPC softwarestack eenvoudiger. Door het op elkaar afstemmen van nieuwe componenten en door de verbeteringen die de OpenHPC community toevoegt, wordt regulier onderhoud en support makkelijker.

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“HPC is no longer just for specialized scientific projects,” said Michael Miller, president of strategy, alliances and marketing for SUSE. “Today HPC is converging with big data analytics, IoT, machine learning and robotics to open up a whole new era of computing potential. The SUSE and Intel collaboration on Intel HPC Orchestrator and OpenHPC puts this power within reach of a whole new range of industries and enterprises that need data-driven insights to compete and advance. This is an industry-changing approach that will rapidly accelerate HPC innovation and advance the state of the art in a way that creates real-world benefits for our customers and partners.”

Charles Wuischpard, vice president, Data Center Group, general manager, High Performance Computing Platform Group, at Intel, said, “Intel HPC Orchestrator was developed to help organizations simplify the deployment, maintenance and support of their HPC systems. Enterprises which adopt the Intel HPC Orchestrator with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server can benefit from open source innovation while having the peace of mind of an integrated and validated stack of HPC software with Intel and SUSE support.”

The Intel HPC Orchestrator with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for HPC allows customers to run a fully supported stack for HPC workloads. Along with providing joint support to give enterprises a one-stop support experience, SUSE and Intel will collaborate to optimize SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Intel HPC system software. In addition, Intel uses the open source Open Build Service to build and release the Intel HPC Orchestrator system software. The Open Build Service – which is also used to generate SUSE Linux Enterprise products – is an openSUSE project that provides a comprehensive distribution development platform.

Steve Conway, IDC research vice president, high performance computing, said, “The collaboration of Intel and SUSE – two key providers of high performance computing technology – aims to bring important benefits to enterprise users by simplifying and speeding HPC deployments for faster results. Intel HPC Orchestrator with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is designed as a complete, supported HPC stack from a Linux-for-HPC powerhouse and the HPC market’s leading processor manufacturer.”

Intel HPC Orchestrator with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server will be available from Intel in the fourth quarter of 2016. For additional information about the SUSE and Intel collaboration, visit For more about SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for HPC, see