Ubert present at the Open Tech Day 2017!!
- April 3, 2017
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UBER at the Open Tech Day 2017 Behrooz Badii, Senior Engineer at Uber Technologies and Tech lead of Jaeger, Uber’s Open Source distributed tracing system and co-founder of OpenTracing, a vendor-neutral standard and instrumentation API for distributed tracing, will be present at the first edition of the Open Tech Day 2017.
The Open Tech Day 2017 is held on the 20th of May in the Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Besides Uber there will also be top speakers from Google, Red Hat, Amazon, SUSE, ING, Gitlab, Kangaroot, Talend, Oracle, Hippo, Sogeti and SNOW present at Open Tech Day. So make sure you order your ticket(s) on time at our website: www.opentechday.com